Having our Miracle Baby

Princeton, WV (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Having our Miracle Baby

by Zachary Meadows

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $25,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $280.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$280.00 raised of $25,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Princeton, WV (US)

Zachary Meadows is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi my name is Zachary Meadows. My story begins at the age of seven years old when I was diagnosed with a craniopharyngioma, which is a brain tumor that is noncancerous. While it is a noncancerous tumor, it was and is a very serious condition that has caused life altering changes for me. My tumor was the size of a backwards seven that was wrapped around my pituitary gland. Unfortunately this required many surgeries, which included removal of part of my pituitary gland, that were unsuccessful and led me to St. Jude. I transferred to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital when I was twelve years old. The transfer to St. Jude was a scary point in my life. I was not sure what the treatment would entail and was not guaranteed that I would survive or have a normal life. There were many days that I did not feel like getting up and pushing on but the support of my Mom and Dad gave me the strength to continue on.

The first time I arrived at St. Jude was a terrifying moment for me. I was ten hours from home and moved into a Ronald McDonald house for three months. The first couple of days as a patient of St. Jude were rough for me because I did not trust anyone and the tests were hard for me to do. The first step to treatment was to create a radiation mask to wear that would protect the areas not receiving radiation. Unfortunately, that route did not work as I was claustrophobic and could not handle the mask being formed on my face. From there, the St. Jude doctors took another route to help with my radiation treatments, they formed a mat to go around my shoulders and head. Being in a new place, receiving life altering radiation, and being away from my family was very difficult. With time it became home away from home for me. St. Jude was the first place that I did not feel alone because were many sick children like me. I gained another family due to staff and employees of St. Jude because they cared about what happened to me.

I was one of the lucky ones at St. Jude. My treatments were successful. Yes I have to take daily medications and I have had to overcome some complications but I have been “normal” for many years. At the end of my radiation treatments, I became more aware of how I became a miracle not only to my family, but to others around me. This tumor tried to take away my mobility, my vision, my memory, and my quality of life. I refused to let this tumor win. I went on to play middle and high school sports, such as basketball and baseball. I graduated in the top portion of my high school class. I received a full-ride to play college basketball at Bluefield College. I have earned a two year and a four year college degree in the field of education that has formed me to become an educator. I work with children daily and I have found that my ability to relate to “life not always going your way” has allowed me to better understand my students Also, I have met the love of my life that has made me a better person.

My wife and I have always had the dream of becoming parents in our future and forming a family that we could call our own. From the age of sixteen, my endocrinologist told me that I would not have a chance of having a child of my own. That was another thing that this tumor tried to take away from me. Now I have another chance to stop this tumor from taking something else. With your help I have the chance to perform yet another miracle that can bring more life to myself as well as my wife and family members. I have always believed that good things come to those who are willing to fight and search for their miracles. Please help my wife and I win this fight so that we can share all the love in our hearts with our own special miracle.

  • 11-16-2021

    Sperm Freezing

    So excited to say that my fertility medicine has worked. I was able to produce sperm and for it to be frozen. Next step is going to be for my wife to take medicine and have her eggs extracted.

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $5.00 February 25, 2022
Bethany Mullins $50.00 February 04, 2022
Anonymous $25.00 January 25, 2022
Jordan Hardin $50.00 December 25, 2021
Lindsay Streeby $25.00 December 24, 2021
Heather Waldron $50.00 December 24, 2021
Samantha Baker $50.00 December 24, 2021
KatelynandAnthony Matthews $25.00 December 24, 2021